
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
The law, family violence and getting help
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group about the Law, family violence and getting help.
These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative. Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Should I go for financial settlement now or wait?
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group about should I seek financial settlement now or wait until a later date?
These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative. Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Can my child’s surname be changed without my consent.
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group about whether or not my child's surname can be changed without my consent?
These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative. Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Do I need an individual bedroom for each of my childen
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group about how important is it to have an individual bedroom for each of my children.
These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative. Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Monday Nov 06, 2023
Dads Online Interview with Mentor Matt
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Dads Online speaks with Mentor (Step Dad) Matt, which is an interesting insight into the life of Matt and his thoughts and experiences in taking on the role as a mentor to his partners son. Listen as Matt shares his story and enjoys the role of being a mentor (step dad) to Jack.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative.
Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Is mum as important as your lawyer?
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group whether support from family, and our mums in particular can be helpful or a hinderance dealing with the issues arising as a result of separation. These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters. Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative.
Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Should I keep a dairy?
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group about the important of maintaining a diary or a note of events that occur after separation. These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative. Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Sunday May 24, 2020
Make patience your best friend
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group how patience in dealing with issues after separation, can be the most useful tool on your side. These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative. Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
What don’t we know
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal Group about what we don’t know about separation and family law, and how best to handle this lack of knowledge. These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative. Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Making practical parenting arrangements
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Dads Online speaks with family lawyer, Daniel Dalli of Aston Legal about how it is important to make an assessment of how practical parenting arrangements are going to be moving forward. These series of podcasts focusing on separation and divorce can equip you, in making better decisions about your family matters.
Dads, we hope that you find this podcast informative. Remember if are feeling overwhelmed with sadness or grief, or need someone to talk to, there are organisations that can help. Call Mensline (www.mensline.org.au) on 1300 789 978 or Lifeline (www.lifeline.org.au) on 13 11 14.
If you need family law assistance from a lawyer, feel free to contact Daniel Dalli, Partner of Aston Legal Group (www.astonlegalgroup.com.au) on either 0423 729 686 or email at daniel@astonlegalgroup.com.au. You don’t need to go through this alone. Best wishes and don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast.
The content of this podcast is intended to provide a general overview of the subject matter and is not be relied upon as giving legal advice. Advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.